Amaze Use and Application

Amazing Breakthrough in Foliar Plant Nutrition

Part III - Putting It Together

How AMAZE Works When Incorporated With Other Products and a Good Soil Program

Amaze-use-applicationIn part I of this advertorial series we looked at the surprising turnaround on Dwayne Bowman's apple orchard. AMAZE, a 5-16-4 with 5 units of calcium, was highlighted as a calcium foliar spray used to increase apple size, quality, and yield. In part II of this series we looked at AMAZE’s mode of action and some important attributes necessary for a truly effective calcium foliar spray. In this third and last of our advertorials I want to place AMAZE in the larger context of how it works when incorporated with other products and a good soil program.

One of the unique teachings of Dr. Carey Reams is that fertilizers can push a crop toward vegetative growth or reproduction. This concept is very important to understand, especially when foliar spraying crops. The wrong product at the wrong time can drastically reduce yield. Since AMAZE is slightly on the growth side of the energy spectrum, it is not recommended for continuously flowering crops such as soybeans. On the other hand, growth energy is what bulks crops, so it works great on bulking fruit and vegetables—particularly fruit trees, bramble fruit, salad greens, root veggies, and vining fruits. For reproductive fruit and vegetables begin application after blossom drop.

AMAZE is not a silver bullet, nor does it replace a good soil program. Rather, it complements it by increasing the return from the nutrients applied to the soil. A good soil program must address four important areas; soil energy, foundational minerals, humus and biology, and trace elements. For a complete overview please see the article 4 Bases of Mineralized Soil included with this information. You must keep soil energy up in order for AMAZE to work properly. If soil energy, as measured on a conductivity meter is low, i.e. less than 200 micro Siemens/centimeter (ERGS) for non-saline soils, the effectiveness of the foliar program is drastically reduced. A good rule of thumb is 400 ERGS for non-saline soils.

AMAZE Use and Application

The application rate for AMAZE is 1-2 quarts per acre. For saline soils (ERGS above 1,800) a 1 quart rate works better since plants in saline soil are more susceptible to leaf burn from foliar sprays. How often should AMAZE be sprayed? Every 7 to 14 days depending on the crop and budget. A weekly spray is ideal since this provides regular calcium deposits to the produce as it matures.


AMAZE is frequently combined with other products such as liquid calcium nitrate, phos acid fish, LSB, ferric nitrate, manganese nitrate, and liquid B12.

Liquid Calcium Nitrate:

Holds a reputation for producing bulk through strong growth energy components. This product can be added to AMAZE at 1 quart per acre.

Phos Acid Fish:

This product is a liquid fish that has been acidified with phosphoric acid to bring the pH down to 3.5 or less. Phos acid fish is reproductive in its effect on plants. International Ag Labs large produce customers in Mexico report that AMAZE combined with phos acid fish gives greater color intensity in melons. When combined with AMAZE use 1-2 quarts per acre.


A liquid seaweed-based product from International Ag Labs that provides seaweed-derived auxins and cytokinins. These natural plant regulators cause cells to elongate and divide. It functions as a bulker and works synergistically with AMAZE to induce larger sized produce. It also supplies potassium and an extensive array of trace minerals. LSB is used at the rate of 1 quart per acre.

One new application for AMAZE is to combine it with the nitrate form of trace elements and use AMAZE as the carrier to deliver mobile trace elements into the plant. Ferric nitrate has been used when iron is tied up by high soil pH’s.

Manganese Nitrate:

Manganese nitrate is being tested as a follow-up on soils sprayed with glyphosate, which is a strong chelator of trace elements—especially manganese. Use 2-4 ounces of the liquid form per acre. Use tissue testing to judge how long to continue adding the trace elements.


Applied once a year, this active form of cobalt is used to support leaf and soil biology. With AMAZE add 30 liquid mills for application.


Dextrose improves nutrient penetration, solution adherence to plants, and helps prevent large beading on the plants. It also appears to be more metabolically active once inside the plant. Use 2-3 pounds of dextrose per acre with each application.

Application & Water:

All foliar sprays work best with low conductivity water. ERGS less than 50 is ideal but less than 250 is acceptable. Preferred water sources include; captured rain water, R.O. water, and low conductivity surface or well water. Use anywhere from 20-100 gallons of water per acre depending on plant size. Strive for a fine mist for better leaf coverage.

How To Order Amaze

To order AMAZE or other products listed call 507-235-6909 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Foliar Plant Nutrition DVD Set is now available in our store. If you attended the class you will receive a discount if you call our office at 507-235-6909. Click here to go to our store.

International Ag Labs


Foliar Sprays is brought to you by International Ag Labs, Inc. We also provide soil testing and fertility recommendations. For more information visit our website or contact us at:

International Ag Labs, Inc.
P.O. Box 788
Fairmont MN 56031

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