The beauty of foliar sprays is that a small increase in plant nutrients can have a major
impact in plant health and performance.

With an analysis of 2-18-0.1Mn, Bloomit® creates an environment conducive to seed development. This liquid foliar product is extremely beneficial in soybeans.

AMAZE is a crystal-clear foliar spray with an analysis of 5-16-4. This product is a true solution and has a broad spectrum of trace minerals along with 5 units of calcium.

Buxom Green Tee
BUXOM GREEN TEE is an advanced turf product combining the nutrients needed most by grass with complex carbohydrates. These complex carbs help regulate soil moisture and nitrogen while simultaneously feeding soil biology.
Learn what a foliar program, when properly applied on top of a soil program, can do for you!
International Ag Labs
Foliar Sprays is brought to you by International Ag Labs, Inc. We also provide soil testing and fertility recommendations. For more information visit our website or contact us at:
International Ag Labs, Inc.
P.O. Box 788
Fairmont MN 56031